Discipleship Encounters
OUtlines for disciplers making disciples
Introductory information and language versionsA two session follow-up for new christiansTable of ContentsHow to get the materials in disk or PDF fileInformation about the authorsOther discipleship web sites and  bibilographic resources



  1. Why do we use the Bible as our basis for the Christian life? -- 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21
  2. For the Christian, the Bible is:
2.1 The eternal and enduring word of God.
    1. It has its source in God through the Holy Spirit -- 2 Pet 1:20,21
    2. It stands forever -- 1 Pet 1:23-25
2.2 Spiritual food -- Jer 15:16; Matt 4:4;
    1. Our physical being needs food, our souls are nourished with studies, and our spirits require the nourishment provided by the word of God -- Heb 5:12-14.
    2. The word (milk) is to be desired and craved -- 1 Pet: 1:25 - 2:2

2.3 Our vital weapon -- Eph 6: 12-17
    1. It was Jesus' defense against Satan -- Mt 4:4,7,10
    2. It is the sword of the Spirit -- Eph 6:17
    3. It works powerfully in human lives -- Heb 4:12

2.4 Light for our way--Psalm 119:105
    1. It shows us how to approach God:
      1. Through Jesus for salvation -- Jn 14:6
      2. Confidently through Jesus our high priest -- Heb 4:14;16
      3. In the name of Jesus when we pray -- Jn 14: 13,14
    2. It shows us God's desires and purposes:
      1. The evangelistic mandate (Great Commission) -- Jn 3:16; Mt 28:18-20
      2. The cultural mandate - care for all of creation -- Gen 1:26 (see p. 27 for the implications of Gen 1:26.
      3. The law of love -- Mt 5:43-47; Jn 13:34,35


  1. What the Bible does for the Christian:

    Discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart -- Heb 4:12
    3.2 Protects from sin -- Psalm 119:11 (It is necessary to memorize the Scripture --
    Deut 6:6; Prov 7:1-3)
    3.3 Gives wisdom -- Psalm 19:7; II Tim 3:15
    3.4 Gladdens the heart -- Psalm 19:8; Jer 15:16
    3.5 Serves "...for teaching the truth, rebuking error,correcting faults, and giving
    instruction for right living...." -- 2 Tim 3:16,17 (Good News Bible)
    3.6 Assures us of the following:
      1. Forgiveness of sins -- 1 Jn 1:9; Acts 26:18
      2. A new nature (life) -- 2 Cor 5:17; 2 Pet 1:4
      3. The Lord's guidance -- Ps 32:8; Acts 16:6-10
      4. The Lord's presence -- Mt 28:20 Victory over temptation -- 1 Cor 10:13
      5. Provision of all our needs -- Jn 16:24; Phil 4:19
      6. Eternal life -- 1 Jn 5:11,12; Jn 5:24
      7. Jesus' second coming -- 1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thes 4:16,17

  2. Five ways of growing in our knowledge of the Word of God so that we can apply it to daily living:*

Hand Illustration

*Illustration adapted from "The Navigators." Used by permission.

Memorize the books of the Bible
Memorize Psalm 119:9,11
Memorize the Hand Illustration
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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.