- Why do we use the Bible as our
basis for the Christian life? -- 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21
- For the Christian, the Bible is:
- 2.1 The
eternal and enduring word of God.
- It has its source in God through
the Holy Spirit -- 2 Pet 1:20,21
- It stands forever -- 1 Pet
- 2.2 Spiritual
food -- Jer 15:16; Matt 4:4;
- Our physical being needs food,
our souls are nourished with studies, and our spirits require
the nourishment provided by the word of God -- Heb 5:12-14.
- The word (milk) is to be desired
and craved -- 1 Pet: 1:25 - 2:2
- 2.3 Our vital weapon -- Eph
6: 12-17
- It was Jesus' defense against
Satan -- Mt 4:4,7,10
- It is the sword of the Spirit
-- Eph 6:17
- It works powerfully in human
lives -- Heb 4:12
- 2.4 Light for our way--Psalm
- It shows us how to approach
- Through Jesus for salvation
-- Jn 14:6
- Confidently through Jesus
our high priest -- Heb 4:14;16
- In the name of Jesus
when we pray -- Jn 14: 13,14
- It shows us God's desires
and purposes:
- The evangelistic mandate
(Great Commission) -- Jn 3:16; Mt 28:18-20
- The cultural mandate
- care for all of creation -- Gen 1:26 (see p. 27 for the
implications of Gen 1:26.
- The law of love -- Mt
5:43-47; Jn 13:34,35
- What the Bible does for the Christian:
3.1 Discerns the thoughts
and intentions of the heart -- Heb 4:12
- 3.2 Protects from sin -- Psalm
119:11 (It is necessary to memorize the Scripture --
- Deut 6:6; Prov
- 3.3 Gives wisdom -- Psalm
19:7; II Tim 3:15
- 3.4 Gladdens the heart --
Psalm 19:8; Jer 15:16
- 3.5 Serves "...for teaching
the truth, rebuking error,correcting faults, and giving
- instruction for right
living...." -- 2 Tim 3:16,17 (Good News Bible)
- 3.6 Assures us of the following:
- Forgiveness of sins -- 1
Jn 1:9; Acts 26:18
- A new nature (life) -- 2
Cor 5:17; 2 Pet 1:4
- The Lord's guidance --
Ps 32:8; Acts 16:6-10
- The Lord's presence -- Mt
28:20 Victory over temptation -- 1 Cor 10:13
- Provision of all our needs
-- Jn 16:24; Phil 4:19
- Eternal life -- 1 Jn 5:11,12;
Jn 5:24
- Jesus' second coming -- 1
Cor 15:52; 1 Thes 4:16,17
- Five ways of growing in our knowledge
of the Word of God so that we can apply it to daily living:*
![Hand Illustration](../../image/handstep6.gif)
*Illustration adapted
from "The Navigators." Used by permission.
the books of the Bible |
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Psalm 119:9,11 |
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the Hand Illustration |
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