Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciples making disciples
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Prompts and Notes - STEP ONE

Purpose of Step One: To give the disciple(s) a concise model for helping an interested person
come to know Jesus and to strengthen this new Christian to stand against the most common attacks of the enemy. This is basic counselor training for evangelism and followup.
Remember: Begin discipleship with a two or three week commitment and by giving your
potential disciple(s) a copy that you have made of Step One. While you spend time with your disciple(s) on this step, you can be prayerfully evaluating whether or not you should continue to invest time in a discipleship relationship after you have finished. Every Christian will benefit from Step One even if they do not receive additional attention from you. You are looking for potential disciples in whom to invest your time so that they in turn will disciple others.
1. Use the question on this line (line I. of Step One-) to start a conversation. Listen
attentively. You may discover that you are talking with someone who does not know the Lord. You may ask, "Have you ever read The Four Spiritual Laws or Steps to Peace with God ?" Spend some time with one of these booklets and discuss ways that it may be used appropriately. They are good to give to someone after a conversation by saying: "This explains better than I what we are talking about. Read it over and let me know what you think."

2.1D "What does it mean in Rom. 10:9 when it refers to Jesus as Lord? (See the beginning
of Step Four for an explanation).
2.3 The Miniature Plan of Salvation gives us the most basic statement for helping an
interested person invite Jesus into his/her life. When we "open" the door of our life, we "receive" Jesus (i.e. let Him in), Rev. 3:20. As many as receive Him become God's children , Jn. 1:12. Then we must allow Jesus to be Lord of our life , Rom 10:9. Practice with each other a prayer you might use to help another receive Jesus.
3.1 "How can you know that you have eternal life? What does this verse teach us about
twobasic categories of people?" There are those who have life in Jesus and those who don't. See Lk 23:39-43; 15:11-32.
3.2 How did Joseph escape from temptation? Genesis 39:7-12. Other Christians will help
us if we will be open and honest. Pray together.
3.3 What do we have to do to receive God's forgiveness? Confess our sin. What else must
we do? Mt 6:12,15. Forgive others.
3.4 What are some rules about asking? See 1 Jn 5:14; Jn 15:7, & Jas 4:2,3.

A prompt is an followed by a number from the step page and gives the discipler a possible conversation starter. Relax, be yourself and trust the Lord to give you original questions.

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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.