Discipleship Encounters
OUtlines for disciplers making disciples
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Prayer is talking with God, a two way conversation opening up to Him, and listening to Him. You can pray anywhere at any time.

  1. Elements of prayer

We can use the acronym "CATS"

1.1 Confession -- 1 John 1:9; Ps 66:18; Prov 28:13
1.2 Adoration/praise -- Psalm 86:12; Heb 13:15
1.3 Thanksgiving -- Eph 5:20; 1 Thess 5:18; Phil 4:6,7                                     
1.4 Supplication (asking):
  1. For others - Intercession -- Col 4:12; Eph 6:18-19 (Not praying for other Christians is a sin-- 1 Sam 12:23)
  2. For the Lord to send workers into His harvest field -- Mt 9:37
  3. For ourselves - petition -- Matt 6:11; 7:7,8.
  1. Why pray?
    2.1 God commands it -- Luke 18:1-7; "Pray constantly"--1 Thess 5:17; We need it --
    Phil 4:6,7
    2.2 Christ's example--Mark 1:35 " ...went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed."
    2.3 Paul's example "Always praying"--Col 1:3; 1 Thess 3:10 "Follow my example, just as I
    follow Christ's."--1 Cor 11:1
    2.4 Spiritual warfare. Through prayer we gain spiritual victory over principalities and
    powers--Eph 6:12,13,18
    2.5 To receive mercy and grace to help us -- Heb 4:14-16

  2. What can hinder our prayers?
3.1 Sin--Isaiah 59:1,2
3.2 Doubt--James 1:6; Mark 11:24
3.3 Our motives--James 4:3;
3.4 Family relationships--1 Peter 3:7
3.5 Unforgiveness--Mark 11:25,26; Matt 6:15
3.6 Pride--1 Peter 5:5
3.7 Spiritual powers, Satan--Eph 6:12, Dan 10:2,12-14.
  1. How to discover the riches of prayer.
4.1 Obey His commands and do what pleases to Him--1 John 3:22
4.2 Ask according to the will of God--1 John 5:14
4.3 Ask believing--Matt 21:22
4.4 Keeping Jesus' words in our hearts--John 15:7
4.5 Forgive--Mark 11:25
4.6 Be humble--1 Peter 5:5
4.7 Get priorities right--Matt 6:33
4.8 Ask specifically--Mark 10:51
  1. What are the results of prayer?
5.1 Receive the Holy Spirit--Luke 11:9,13
5.2 Peace--Phil 4:6,7
5.3 Joy--John 16:24
5.4 Loving care--1 Peter 5:7
5.5 Wisdom--James 1:5
5.6 Healing--James 5:13-15
5.7 Growing in faith e.g. Abraham--Gen 18:16-33
5.8 Revival--2 Chron 7:14
  1. Collective or corporate prayer--Acts 2:42; 4:31; Mt 18:19-20


Memorize Phil 4:6,7
Make a daily prayer list and use it.
Begin reading the Psalms, as well as hymns and choruses, and make a list
of the various
names and descriptions of God for use in praise and prayer.

Does God always answer our prayer "yes"? Check these references so see how
God answers prayer. Draw a line from each reference to the best description of answered prayer                                                                                                        

A. 1 John 5:14,15 1. Delayed answer "wait"
B. 2 Cor 12:7-9 2. Different answer
C. John 11:1-44 3. Definite answer "yes"
D. Acts 3:1-10 4. Step by step answer
E. Deut 7:22 5. Denied answer "no"
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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.