Prayer is talking
with God, a two way conversation opening up to Him, and listening to Him.
You can pray anywhere at any time.
- Elements of prayer
We can use the acronym "CATS"
1.1 Confession -- 1 John 1:9; Ps 66:18; Prov 28:13
1.2 Adoration/praise -- Psalm 86:12; Heb 13:15
1.3 Thanksgiving -- Eph 5:20; 1 Thess 5:18; Phil 4:6,7

1.4 Supplication (asking):
- For others - Intercession
-- Col 4:12; Eph 6:18-19 (Not praying for other Christians
is a sin-- 1 Sam 12:23)
- For the Lord to send workers
into His harvest field -- Mt 9:37
- For ourselves - petition
-- Matt 6:11; 7:7,8.
- Why pray?
- 2.1 God
commands it -- Luke 18:1-7; "Pray constantly"--1
Thess 5:17; We need it --
- Phil 4:6,7
- 2.2 Christ's example--Mark
1:35 " ...went
out to a lonely place, and there he prayed."
- 2.3 Paul's example
"Always praying"--Col
1:3; 1 Thess 3:10 "Follow my example, just as I
- follow Christ's."--1
Cor 11:1
- 2.4 Spiritual warfare. Through
prayer we gain spiritual victory over principalities and
- powers--Eph 6:12,13,18
- 2.5 To receive mercy and grace
to help us -- Heb 4:14-16
- What can hinder our prayers?
- 3.1 Sin--Isaiah
3.2 Doubt--James 1:6; Mark 11:24
3.3 Our motives--James 4:3;
3.4 Family relationships--1 Peter 3:7
3.5 Unforgiveness--Mark 11:25,26; Matt 6:15
3.6 Pride--1 Peter 5:5
3.7 Spiritual powers, Satan--Eph 6:12, Dan 10:2,12-14.
- How to discover the riches of
- 4.1 Obey
His commands and do what pleases to Him--1 John 3:22
4.2 Ask according to the will of God--1 John 5:14
4.3 Ask believing--Matt 21:22
4.4 Keeping Jesus' words in our hearts--John 15:7
4.5 Forgive--Mark 11:25
4.6 Be humble--1 Peter 5:5
4.7 Get priorities right--Matt 6:33
4.8 Ask specifically--Mark 10:51
- What are the results of prayer?
- 5.1 Receive
the Holy Spirit--Luke 11:9,13
5.2 Peace--Phil 4:6,7
5.3 Joy--John 16:24
5.4 Loving care--1 Peter 5:7
5.5 Wisdom--James 1:5
5.6 Healing--James 5:13-15
5.7 Growing in faith e.g. Abraham--Gen 18:16-33
5.8 Revival--2 Chron 7:14
- Collective or corporate prayer--Acts
2:42; 4:31; Mt 18:19-20
Phil 4:6,7 |
Make a daily
prayer list and use it. |
Begin reading
the Psalms, as well as hymns and choruses, and make a list
of the various
names and descriptions of God for use in praise and prayer. |
- Does God always answer our
prayer "yes"? Check these references so see how
- God
answers prayer. Draw a
line from each reference to the best description of answered prayer  

A. 1 John 5:14,15 |
1. Delayed answer
"wait" |
B. 2 Cor 12:7-9
2. Different
answer |
C. John 11:1-44 |
3. Definite answer
"yes" |
D. Acts 3:1-10 |
4. Step by step
answer |
E. Deut 7:22 |
5. Denied answer
"no" |