Every believer
has the Holy Spirit
1.1 Sealed with
the Holy Spirit--Eph 1:13
1.2 The Holy Spirit gives testimony
to our spirit--Rom 8:16
- Words of John the Baptist
- 2.1 "He will baptize you with
the Holy spirit and with fire."-- Mt 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke
- 3:16
2.2 The fulfillment of the promise--Acts
1:5; 2:4
- The teachings of Jesus
- 3.1 The Father gives the Holy
Spirit to those who ask --Luke 11:9-13
- 3.2 Symbols of the Holy Spirit:
Streams of living water - John 7:37-39; "like" a dove
- - Mt 3:13-17;
Wind - Acts 2:2; Fire - Acts 2:3.
- 3.3 The role of the Holy Spirit
- John 14:26
- Counselor or helper--sent
by the Father in the name of Jesus Christ
- Teaches all things
- Helps us remember what
Jesus said
- John 15:26-16:15
- Counselor or helper--John
- Spirit of truth
- Bears witness to Christ
- Convinces the world of:--
John 16:8
- -Sin
- Guides into all truth--John
- -Speaks what he hears
- Declares things to come
- Glorifies Christ--John
16:14;Acts 1:1-9
- Gives power to witness--Acts
- Gives witness to the proclamation--Rom
15:18,19; Heb 2:4
- The disciples had the Holy
Spirit before Pentecost--John 20:22 -- but were filled with the
Holy Spirit at Pentecost
(see the next point).
- The Bible speaks of being filled
with the Spirit--Acts 1:8; Eph 5:18 There is a variety of experiences.
(Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17;
9:17-18; 10:44-48; 19:1-6) Compare Acts 2:1-4 with Acts
4:31-a continuous experience.
- We are told to -"Be filled
with the Holy Spirit." Eph 5:18
- A complete circle back to
where we began (line 3.1) -- Lk 11:13. The Father will give the
Holy Spirit to those who
ask. So we must ask and receive by faith. Gal 3:2-5
- The Holy Spirit and people.
- 8.1 The Holy Spirit must
overflow and control our lives-- Eph 5:18.  
- This control includes
body, soul, and spirit
1 Thes 5:23:
- Our spirit - revived
by the Holy Spirit -- Rom 8:10, 16  

- Our body - physical
part Rom 12:1, 1 Cor 9:27
- Our soul - psychological
and mental part Rom 12:2
8.2 The Holy Spirit gives gifts to us depending on his purposes
and designs for each
- of us. They
are usually given for us to bless others. Rom 12:4-8,
1 Cor 12:1-11
& 27-31, Eph
4:11, and 1 Pet 4:10,11
8.3 We are involved in a spiritual conflict (2 Cor 10:3-5):
- Against the world--1 John
2:15-21, Jn 16:33
- Against the flesh (human
nature)--Gal 5:16-17; Rom 8:9,13
- Against the devil--1
Pet 5:7-9; Eph 6:10-13
8.4 The Spirit must control us. We must walk in the Spirit--Gal 5:
16, 18, 25. We begin
- this walk by faith and by:
- Receiving the fullness of
the Holy Spirit by faith ( 7 above)
- Submitting to God -- Heb
12:9; Jas 4:7 Gal 2:20; Zec 1:3
- Giving our worries and concerns
to Him - 1 Pet. 5:7
- Resisting the devil making
him run from us Jas 4:7,8; Mt 16:23; Eph 4:27, 6:11 & 16; 1
Pet 5:8,9
and Rev 12:11
- Bearing the fruit that comes
from the Spirit - Gal 5:22,23
- Crucifying the sinful nature's
passions and desires - Gal 5:24
- Fellowshipping with the
Holy Spirit can be continual - 2 Cor 13:14
- The Holy Spirit indwells the church
(groups of Christians);
- See 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Cor 6:16.
where the temple is you
- The Spirit guides the church
in unity of decision - Acts15:28
- God indwells the church through
the Spirit - Eph 2:22