Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciplers making disciples
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Prompts and Notes - STEP FIVE

Purpose of Step Five: 1) To bring into sharp focus the person of the Holy Spirit. 2) To
encourage each disciple of Jesus Christ to consciously seek and then depend upon the infilling of the Holy Spirit for joyful and effective living and ministry.
Remember: The growth rate of disciples will vary from one to another. Be patient. With time
you willsee positive results. Keep reviewing the verses that your disciple(s) memorize as well as the other items mentioned in the Prompts and Notes in Step Four. Some days you will meet without any review and other days you may spend a lot of time just reviewing. Variety is important. Enjoy! One of your objectives is to raise up co-laborers for the various ministries of the local church so that there is no lack of help as the church grows through its different ministries.
Note: Hopefully your disciple(s) are ready with the name(s) of the persons they would like to
disciple. This is a good time to give them a copy of this Discipler's Guide. Pray with your disciple(s) as they begin to disciple others. What are their fears? Are they realistic in scheduling time? Encourage them. Together read over the Practical Helps in the appendix.

1.2 What are two ways that we can know we are God's children (Christians)? 1) The
declaration of the Bible--1Jn 5:11,12; and 2) the inner witness of the Holy Spirit with our spirit--Rom 8:16
2.1 When and how was John's prophecy fulfilled? See the next line (II.2).
3.1 To whom will God give the Holy Spirit? To those who ask.

3.3 Begin this section by saying, "Let's see how many different ways the Holy Spirit is active
in our lives."

4. Note: This point, #4., is a transition point as we consider the need to be filled with the
Holy Spirit. We know that every believer has the Holy Spirit (line #1 of this Step). Here Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to His disciples, but later they are filled with the Spirit--Acts 2:1-4; 4:31. So it is with us. We need the fullness of the Holy Spirit for confidence and power. The next points in the outline will bring this into sharper focus.

5. How do these five different occasions of believers being filled with the Holy Spirit differ
from each other? Note: there is no exact pattern.
Remember: As we disciple others we need to keep asking the Lord to keep us focused. In
prayer, ask the Lord to help you understand the importance of your discipleship efforts. What difference will it make in your local church one year from now? Help your disciple(s) to think in terms of the Lord using them to impact future generations -- both in your present context and in the future places that the Lord will place them. Keep the vision of four spiritual generations before you (Step Two). Don't become tired of helping others grow (Gal 6:9).
6. How do you want to respond to this command? In wanting to make Jesus Lord we should
try to do all that He commands us.
7. Have you ever asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit? What is the promise given to us in
Lk 11:13? Jesus says the Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for Him (the Holy Spirit is a person not an "it").

8.1 Right now, for you, which is the most difficult of the three areas listed over which the
Holy Spirit must have control?

8.2 Can you name any of the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit gives? See the four listings of
the gifts of the Holy Spirit (references are given). What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? 1 Cor 12:7 says they are given for the common good, to help build up the body of Christ -- the church. See 1 Cor 14:12. Which gifts are for non-Christians?
8.3A How does the world attack us? By winning us over little by little to its value system and
way of thinking. Rom 12:2 says that we should not conform to the pattern of this world (do not let the world press you into its mold)
8.3B How do the world's values, fleshly desires and human nature express themselves
today? Compare the world's values and God's--Heb 13:4
8.3C Who is stronger, Jesus or Satan? 1 Jn 3:8, 4:4; Mt 28:18; Mk 3:14,15. How then do
we handle attacks from the devil and his demons? See line 8.4D of the outline.

8.4 How do these verses in Galatians describe life in the Holy Spirit? Notice the verbs: vs 16
live by; vs 18 led by; & vs 25 keep in step with. What is the result of this life? The fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22,23
8.4A-D Let's look at some practical ways we can walk in the Spirit.

Spend time praying together about the things you've been talking about. Ask the Holy
Spirit to fill you and lead you. Receive the Holy Spirit by faith and by faith use the gifts He gives you.
A prompt is an followed by a number from the step page and gives the discipler a possible conversation starter. Relax, be yourself and trust the Lord to give you original questions.
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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.