Discipleship Encounters
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Prompts and Notes - STEP TWO

Purpose of Step Two: 1) To give a vision of how the Lord wants to use each of us in the lives
of future generations of Christians. 2) To focus on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Remember: In discipleship we are not simply teaching data or information. We are growing
together with our disciple(s) as we share openly with them. Listen to your disciple(s). Be sensitive, non-judgmental, and relaxed. Take time as needed to deal with life issues. [Say, "One of these days you will be discipling others."] Pray together.
Review: Go over The Miniature Plan of Salvation, the Four Assurances, and the memory
work from Step One. The Progress Control Sheets should be copied and used for each Encounter group. (see appendices)

(See the verse at the top in Step Two) What is the meaning of "both you and I will be
helped at the same time?"
1.1 How many spiritual generations do we find in 2 Tim. 2:2? Note: Paul (the author of this
book) is the first of the four generations. Why did Paul list four generations? Note: (line I.A.2.) This is God's design as seen in the Old Testament in Ps. 78:5,6 (1. "forefathers"; 2. "their children"; 3. "the next generation"; and 4. "their children,"). Also see Dt. 4:9; 6:7; 11:19.
Note: The importance of simplicity and clarity in transmitting the Gospel with four
generations in mind must be stressed.
1.2 See the map in your Bible. What should we do to be like the sea of Galilee? Pass on what
we receive. We grow as we help others grow.
1.3C Do you see any importance in the order of the statements (Mk 3:14) "be with Him"
and "send them out to preach?" First we spend time with Jesus. How can we do that?
Note: Our biggest challenge is to become more and more like Jesus (formation) and
encourage our disciple(s) to do the same. This happens where life and Scripture (information) come together through the Holy Spirit. We need social time with our disciple(s).

2. What are the five requirements of discipleship found in
Luke 14:25-33? (1. Come to
Jesus; 2. Jesus above all; 3. Take up your cross [voluntary sacrifice]; 4. Count the cost; and 5. Make Jesus owner of all you have.)

3. What does it mean to remain in Jesus (Jn 15:7)? See verse 10.
Remember: Sometimes we feel like terrible models. We are all in the process of Christian
growth as long as we keep seeking more of the Lord in our lives. The best model is to be open about sin and failures and let your disciple(s) see how you deal with them through confession and restitution.
Be specific in your prayers with your disciple(s). Make and use a copy of the blank prayer list in the appendix and then check off answers to prayer as they happen.
4.1A What is the context for being alert, firm, and strong? v.14 Love.
4.1D What does it mean to be faithful? How should we be faithful?
Which area in this list needs your greatest attention at this time?
How can we affirm others in their walk with the Lord?
4.1G For Christians, what is the prize at the end of the race of life? What can we do to
assure ourselves that we will make it to the goal successfully? Run with patience and keep training carefully.
Note: authority in the church has been abused all too often. The following section of the
outline focuses on our relationships with others.

4.2A Can you think of pratical ways of developing a friendship? What is the greatest way
that one can show his/her love for a friend? See Jn 15:13. This is what Jesus did for us.

4.2B Why should we seek to follow Jesus' model in our lives? 1 Pet 2:21 and Heb 12:2,3
teach us to follow Jesus' example. Paul also tells us to follow his example as he follows Christ--1 Cor 11:1.

4.2C Do you believe the Holy Spirit can guide others just as He guides you (Jn 16:13)? When
we think that the other person is mistaken we need to remember that maybe we are also mistaken. Together we humbly seek the Lord to know His will.

4.2D Why did Titus have authority in Crete to appoint elders in the body of believers in each
town? He had been appointed by Paul and therefore had authority to act. Note how the apostle Paul willingly submitted to the leaders in Jerusalem -- Acts 15:1,2 and 16:4. What was the request that James, Peter, and John made of Paul? Gal 2:10 says that "...(he) should continue to remember the poor...." How did Paul respond to their request? It also says that he was "eager to do it."
A prompt is an followed by a number from the step page and gives the discipler a possible conversation starter. Relax, be yourself and trust the Lord to give you original questions.
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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.