Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciplers making disciples
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Prompts and Notes - STEP THREE

Purpose of Step Three: To introduce 1) the daily quiet time and 2) the dynamics of the
Christian life (Wheel Illustration).
Remember: These questions are simply suggestions. Pray for guidance as you meet with your
disciple(s). Use part of your time to find out what is going on in your daily lives. It is important that each of you is involved in a local church. Use part of your discipleship time to focus on ministry in the church. Review the memory work as you go along. Go over the homework on the bottom of Step Two.
1. Why have Christians down through the years worked at developing the habit of praying
and reading the Bible every day? What kind of a day had Jesus just finished? Mk 1:29-34
Note: It is important that we distinguish between the discipline of having daily personal
devotions and the all too often legalistic approach that looks at the "quiet time" as a requirement for pleasing God. The only thing that makes us right with God is the righteousness of Jesus --I Cor 1:30; II Cor 5:21. We daily seek time with the Lord because we need His strength, His power, and His presence in our lives. He lives the Christian life in and through us--Phil 2:13.
1.1 What kind of an example has Jesus left for us? He needed time with God. When should
we pray?--I Thes 5:17 and Lk 18:1.
1.2 We want to give God prime time. If we miss does that mean the Lord is not with us?
No. He is always with His children--Mt 28:20. We do well to remember that God seeks those who will worship Him--Jn 4:23. Seven minutes is a minimal starting goal.
2. Note: The Wheel Illustration becomes the index for all the following STEPS in these
Discipleship Encounters. We begin at the center and work out to the rim. The Wheel needs to be memorized!
2 Begin by drawing an outline of the Wheel. In a drive wheel where does the power enter?
The axle. What supports the axle? The hub. How is the power transmitted out to the rim? Through the spokes. What part of the wheel wears and needs to be renewed? The rim (tire).
2.1 In the Christian life what is the source of power? Jesus.
2.2 Through whom does the power of Jesus flow to us? The Holy Spirit. What are some of
the means that the Lord uses? (See the spokes).
2.3 With the verticle spokes who reaches down and who reaches up?
2.4 How can we describe the horizontal spokes? We reach out to other people - Christians
(i.e.fellowship) and non-Christians (i.e. our testimony through word and deed).
2.5 What holds everything together in the wheel? The rim (= obedience).

Note: Review the Wheel from memory. Read the memory verse. Pray.

A prompt is an followed by a number from the step page and gives the discipler a possible conversation starter. Relax, be yourself and trust the Lord to give you original questions.

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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.