Discipleship Encounters
OUtlines for disciplers making disciples
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  1. Fellowship is unity among the members of a group. It has to do with companionship, friendly association, a mutual sharing of an experience, activity or interest. Fellowship in a Christian context is one family living together under one leader, Christ. They all follow Him while they love one another, help one another, and learn from one another.

  2. The basis of fellowship

    2.1 All people either have or need fellowship based on:
      1. The desire to belong to something
      2. Common interests
      3. The need to feel important
      4. The desire for fun

    2.2 Christian fellowship adds supernatural dimensions to relationships.
      1. Is based on communion with the Father and Son 1 John 1:3
      2. Means walking in the light--1 John 1:7
      3. Is permanent because Jesus is always the same--Heb 13:8
      4. We are members of one another Rom 12:5

  3. The example of the early church

    3.1 Four things which they continually practiced--Acts 2:42
      1. Learning from the apostles
      2. Fellowship
      3. Breaking of bread
      4. Prayer
    3.2 "Of the same mind...in full accord" Phil 2:1,2. In your own words, explain what this
    means to you.
    3.3 The Christians loved one another--1 Thes 4:9,10; 2 Thes 1:3

  4. Why fellowship is so important for Christians.

    4.1 In the church it provides:
      1. Loving acceptance of one another--Phil 2:1-3
      2. Loving and supporting relationships--Gal 5:6; 6:2
      3. Mutual help--Eccl 4:9,10,12; Gal 6:10
      4. Growing into maturity--Eph 4:13-16
      5. Effectiveness in prayer--Matt 18:19,20
      6. Exhortation and teaching--Col 3:16
      7. Strengthening family relationships--Eph 5:21-6:4

    4.2 In the world (i.e. among non-Christians) Christian fellowship
      1. Shows that we are Jesus' disciples--John 13:34,35
      2. Demonstrates our unity so that others will believe that God sent Jesus--John 17:21,23
      3. Makes missionary and evangelistic work possible--Rom 10:14,15

  5. The Body of Christ--Rom 12:1-8

    5.1 Responsibilities of each member towards him/herself--Rom 12:1-3
      1. Present ourselves as living sacrifices--Rom 12:1
      2. Be transformed--Rom 12:2
      3. Don't think more highly of self than we ought--Rom 12:3

    5.2 Responsibilities of the members of the body toward each other
      1. Love one another--Jn 13:34-35
      2. Restore one another...carry each other's burdens--Gal 6:1-2
      3. Bear with and forgive one another--Col 3:13
      4. Build up one another--1 Thes 5:11
      5. Encourage to believe...protect from sin's deceitfulness--Heb 3:12-14
      6. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds...encourage to hope--Heb 10:24-25
      7. Confess sin to one another...pray for one another--James 5:16

    5.3 Characteristics of the Body itself--Rom 12:4-8
      1. Many members--Rom 12:4
      2. Being many members, it is one body--Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 12:20
      3. Not all members have the same function--1 Cor 12:7-11
      4. All are members of each other--Rom 12:5
      5. If one member suffers, all suffer--1 Cor 12:26

  6. Christians have a special relationship with God. They are:
    6.1 Children of God--Jn1:12 and God's friends--Jn15:15
    6.2 Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ--Rom 8:17
    6.3 Members of God's household--Eph 2:19
    6.4 A family of believers--Gal 6:10
    6.5 Jesus' brothers and sisters--Heb 2:11-14
Memorize 1 John 1:7
Read 1 Cor 12. From verses 11-31, what are the outstanding
characteristics of the body of Christ?
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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.