Prompts and Notes
- Purpose of Step Nine: 1)
To emphasize the nature and importance of the church as the body
- of Christ 2)
To focus on our need for each other as we live as part of the body of Christ.
- Remember: Ask the Holy Spirit
to fill you as you sit down with your disciple(s) so that it is the
- Lord who
speaks through you and each of you are encouraged together. Help your disciple(s)
in the discipling process. If they have not begun discipling someone don't
be discouraged. Encourage them with the same patience that we receive from
the Lord. Maybe you can help them get together with a potential disciple
from your church or a small group.
- It is necessary to over-learn the
memory verses and the illustrations of The Two Seas, The Wheel and The Hand
if they are to be retained. They are great assets for helping disciples
of Jesus Christ understand and communicate the basics of the Christian life.
- 2. What would be one of
the main differences between the world's fellowship and the
- Christian's fellowship?
God is in our midst to encourage us--Isa 57:15, and gives us
a common mission or task--Mt 28:18-20.
3.2 Other results of being united with Christ follow the first two verses
of Phil 2. What does
- it mean to
"consider others better than yourselves" and to "look...to
the interests of others"--Phil 2:3,4?
4. Families are struggling for survival in many parts of the world.
How can Christian
- fellowship strengthen
the family? What can it do for those who have no family support?
Look at each subpoint under 4.1
- Note: This would be
a good time for you as a discipler to again read the PREFACE
and to start
- praying and thinking about
whom you will disciple next. You may take a break after you finish these
outlines (and hopefully some STS Bible Studies), but before you
do, be sure to set a future date for beginning with some new disciple(s).
We have found that the school year is a good discipling time with time
off for holidays, Christmas, and Easter. Then the disciples are ready
for ministry during the summer months wherever they may find themselves.
Even if you have not finished these outlines by summer you will find
the need for a break and a change of pace.
- 4.2 Do you think that Christian
fellowship helps non-Christians see that life in Christ is really a
- wonderful and living relationship
with the Father, His Son, and one another?
- 4.2C What do we need to do to
make sure people are sent to those who have not heard the
- Gospel? How
do we know whom to send?
5.1C How should each of us think of ourselves? As a forgiven
- 5.2 The following list of New Testament
"one another" passages gives us a picture of the
- kinds of behavior
that God wants His children to have. The seven points (A thru G of V.2)
are representative of this list.
Rom 12:10
Rom 15:14
Col 3:9
James 4:11
1 Jn 3:11
" 12:16
1 Cor 12:25
" 3:12-13
" 5:9
" 3:23
" 13:8
Gal 5:13
" 3:16
" 5:16
" 4:7
" 14:13
" 6:2
1 Thes 3:12
1 Pet 1:22
" 4:11
" 14:19
Eph 4:1-2
" 4:18
" 4:9
" 4:12
" 15:5
" 4:32
Heb 3:13
" 5:5
2 Jn 5
" 15:7
" 5:18-21
" 10:23-25
" 5:14
5.2G Do you ever say you are sorry? Do you ever confess your sins to
another person? Pride
- is sin and
keeps us from being open and honest with each other. If we will be honest
with one another and not pretend that we have no sin, problems, or struggles,
we will soon discover a whole new dimension of rich and freeing relationships
that allows for wonderful growth and freedom in Christ.
- 5.3D Have you ever looked at
the other Christians in your church with the thought that they
- have been
placed there by the Lord Himself and have a special function and purpose?
- 6.2 What do you think it means
to be an heir of God and co-heir with Christ? Look at 1 Pet
- 1:3,4; 1Cor
2:9; 1 Jn 3:2.
prompt is an followed
by a number from the step page and gives the discipler a possible conversation
starter. Relax, be yourself and trust the Lord to give you original questions.
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materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed
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