Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciples making disciples
Language VersionsA two session follow-up for new christiansTable of ContentsHow to get the materials in disk or PDF file.Information about the authorsOther discipleship web sites and bibliographic resources

Session One

Meeting Jesus

  1. The Bible (See the End Notes2) teaches who we are:
    1.1 A unique creation of God, made in His image.(Psalm 139:13-16)
    1.2 Lost by our own choice (Isaiah 53:6)
    1.3 Separated from God (Isaiah 59:2)
    1.4 Individuals with freedom of choice (Romans 6:23)
    1.5 A new people in a new community in Christ (1 Peter 2:9, 10)

  2. God's original plan for humankind. (Figure #1)
    2.1 What did God have in mind when he created humans? (Genesis 1:26,27)
    2.2 Did God's plan for people change when sin entered into their lives? (Romans 8:29)

    God's Original Plan for Humankind

    The dotted line represents God's plan but humans are moving away from God (the downward arrow).

  3. How God brings hope to people - His plan still intact. (See Figure #2)
    How God Brings Hope to People

    When people meet Christ (the circle), they begin a new life, growing into the image of God. The ups and downs become less as we grow spiritually.
3.1 If God has not changed His plan for people even after they disobeyed, what needs to
happen so that they (we) can participate in His plan?

John 1:12,13:

We need to become __________________________________________

Ephesians 2:8:

We need receive God's grace and salvation by _____________

Colossians 3:9, 10

We need to put on the new __________________________________

3.2 There has to be a change within people themselves. This is a change from being
self-centered and lost to becoming a follower of Christ who now has God's Holy Spirit within to empower us to life in the image of God.

3.3 How we may receive a new life through Christ.

Revelation 3:20

By opening the _________________of our life.

John 1:12

By________ Him and believing in His name.

Romans 10:9

By saying with our mouth that Jesus is ______________
  1. When Jesus comes into a person's life a lot of things change -- goals, values, direction, etc. (2 Corinthian 5:17) -- and they receive eternal life. (1 John 5: 11, 12). Notice that this is a present reality. You now have (not will have) eternal life.

    John 6:47
    says that one who believes has: __________________________________________

  2. What to Expect as You Begin Your New Life
    5.1. A new spiritual awareness - The Holy Spirit takes up residence in each person who
    opens their life to Jesus (Ephesians 1:13). The Holy Spirit will guide us and give us a desire to know more of Jesus and to make Him known to others (John 14:26, John 16:13, Acts 1:8).

    Ephesians 1:13 -- What is the seal that we are marked with when we believed?


    Acts 1:8 -- What do we receive power for when we are filled with the Holy Spirit?


    5.2 Overcoming the influences of evil - When we come to Christ, we have turned from
    darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18). God promises in His Word that He will give us strength to overcome temptations to do wrong (1 Corinthians 10:13). You will struggle, but God is with you now. You will still sin and will feel sorry for those things, but instead of turning away ashamed, you can come to Him with confidence to receive forgiveness and help. There is nothing you might do that Jesus has not already paid for (1 John 1:9; Hebrews 4:16). You will begin to understand God's grace and His mercy (grace = receiving what we do not deserve; mercy = not receiving what we do deserve).

    1 Corinthians 10:13
    What has God promised to give us when we are tempted?


    1 John 1:9
    What does God promise to do if we tell him we did something wrong?


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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
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