- Stewardship's whole-life
implications (or being responsable servants of God) mean giving to God our:
1.1 TRUSTS - God has given us everything we have--1 Cor 4:7,
10:26; Ps. 24:1; 115:16;
- Deut. 26:11
- 1.2 TIME - We determine
how we will use our time--Eph 5:15-16
- 1.3 TALENTS - Our abilities
and spiritual gifts come from God and are to be used for others
- --1 Cor 12:7
response to God when we enter his presence is one of
- thanksgiving --Ps
- 1.5 TRASH - We are to
exercise "dominion over the earth" (Gen 1:26) and thus are
- responsible for our
wastes--Ps 24:1
- 1.6 TEAMWORK - We are
of to work together because we belong to each other as
- members of one family--Eph
- 1.7 TITHES - We have
been chosen to manage 100% of the resources God has entrusted
- to us. Dedicating
10% (a tithe) to the Owner who has given his son for us seems like a
little thing. Even adding an offering beyond the tithe makes a lot of
sense. Mal 3:10 gives us a good starting point for giving--1
Chron 29:14
stories of God's grace and faithfulness help others realize that
- God is personally
interested in them--1 Cor 4:1
- Stewardship's true tests:
- 2.1 Excel in the grace of giving--2
Cor 8:7-8
- 2.2 Giving according to what
we earn -1 Cor 16:2. For those whose income is not from a
- wage or salary
they may give the produce from a tenth of an acreage or the income from
the sale of a tenth of the livestock etc.
- How we should give:
- Regularly in the local
church--1 Cor 16:1-2
- Cheerfully--2
Cor 9:7  

- It is recommended for
those who want to give to special projects that they do so with
an offering beyond the tithe to the local body of Christians.
- The results of giving 2
Cor 9:6-15:
- You will have your
needs met--vs. 8
- You will be enabled
to be generous--vs. 11
- Thanksgiving will be
given to God--vs. 11 & 12
- The needs of God's
people will be met--vs. 12
- God will be praised
or glorified--vs. 13
Homework: Memorize
2 Cor 9:7  