Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciplers making disciples
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  1. Stewardship's whole-life implications (or being responsable servants of God) mean giving to God our:

    1.1 TRUSTS - God has given us everything we have--1 Cor 4:7, 10:26; Ps. 24:1; 115:16;
    Deut. 26:11
    1.2 TIME - We determine how we will use our time--Eph 5:15-16
    1.3 TALENTS - Our abilities and spiritual gifts come from God and are to be used for others
    --1 Cor 12:7
    1.4 THANKSGIVING - Our response to God when we enter his presence is one of
    thanksgiving --Ps 95:2
    1.5 TRASH - We are to exercise "dominion over the earth" (Gen 1:26) and thus are
    responsible for our wastes--Ps 24:1
    1.6 TEAMWORK - We are of to work together because we belong to each other as
    members of one family--Eph 2:19
    1.7 TITHES - We have been chosen to manage 100% of the resources God has entrusted
    to us. Dedicating 10% (a tithe) to the Owner who has given his son for us seems like a little thing. Even adding an offering beyond the tithe makes a lot of sense. Mal 3:10 gives us a good starting point for giving--1 Chron 29:14
    1.8 TESTIMONIES - Our stories of God's grace and faithfulness help others realize that
    God is personally interested in them--1 Cor 4:1

  2. Stewardship's true tests:
    2.1 Excel in the grace of giving--2 Cor 8:7-8
    2.2 Giving according to what we earn -1 Cor 16:2. For those whose income is not from a
    wage or salary they may give the produce from a tenth of an acreage or the income from the sale of a tenth of the livestock etc.
    1. How we should give:
      1. Regularly in the local church--1 Cor 16:1-2
      2. Cheerfully--2 Cor 9:7                                                               
      3. It is recommended for those who want to give to special projects that they do so with an offering beyond the tithe to the local body of Christians.
    2. The results of giving 2 Cor 9:6-15:
      1. You will have your needs met--vs. 8
      2. You will be enabled to be generous--vs. 11
      3. Thanksgiving will be given to God--vs. 11 & 12
      4. The needs of God's people will be met--vs. 12
      5. God will be praised or glorified--vs. 13

Homework: Memorize 2 Cor 9:7                                                                                                     

Prompt for Stewardship Outline

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