Discipleship Encounters
Outlines for disciplers making disciples
Language VersionsA two session follow-up for new christiansTable of ContentsHow to get the materials in disk or PDF file.Information about the authorsOther discipleship web sites and bibliographic resources


God created people so he could have a personal and direct relationship with them. This relationship was broken because of sin. Now there is a separation between people and God.

  1. The actual situation of the human being.
    1.1 All have sinned--Rom. 3:23
    1.2 The wages of sin--Rom. 6:23
    1.3 There will be a judgment--Heb. 9:27

  2. God wants to have a good relationship with every person.
    2.1 God loved us so much that He gave us his only Son--John 3:16
    2.2 He wants to give us life to the full--John 10:10
    2.3 He loves us even though we don't deserve his love--Rom. 5:8

  3. People are trying to reach for God through religion, philosophy, good deeds, pleasures, etc. These are represented by the partial bridges below. Eph 2:8,9; Prov. 14:12

  4. God has provided us with the only way to Himself -- through Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins--John 14:6; 1 Pet. 3:18

  5. We must received Christ as our Lord & Savior--Rev. 3:20; John 1:12; Rom 10:9

Ask if there is something that would keep the person from receiving Christ and wait for an answer. If he/she says "no," then invite the person to pray to receive Christ. The person may pray on his/her own or repeat a prayer after you. Sometimes you may give the person the "homework assignment" of considering what you have shown him/her. Assure them you would be interested in knowing where they come out in their thinking. After they invite Jesus Christ into their life you will want to use Step One to help them start growing

Without writing in the numbers, you draw this Bridge Illustration as you talk. (The numbers refer to the points listed above. Practice this presentation).

Bridge Illustration

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All materials Copyright ©2003 by Jerold & Nancy Reed.
All material in these Discipleship Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.